5 Ways Playing TTRPGs Like D&D Can Improve Your Writing

4 min readDec 19, 2022
D&D Wallpaper from wallpapercave.com

TTRPGs like Dungeons & Dragons are not only fun but also good for you.

If you’re a writer, there are some lessons to learn from playing them. After reading this, you can confidently say that you’re working when playing D&D.

You’re just improving your skills for your future as a well-fed writer. That’s all.

Here are 5 ways playing D&D can improve your writing.

Note: Most of these will only apply when you’re the DM(Dungeon Master).

Improved Creativity

Planning out a campaign with a set deadline is a good challenge to tackle. It’s like a writing assignment for a job.

The only difference is that you leave some holes for your creativity to fill while playing. Mostly for your unpredictable players.

Do this enough times and you’ll be able to come up with more creative solutions to problems in your story.

You need to master the art of improvisation while leading your players through the story.

If you get good enough, you can say goodbye to constant writer’s block. You have the experience to scale it or break it down.




I’m Blankmarks and I love magic in fiction. I’ll write about the various magic types and concepts not only for fun but to help writers create new magical worlds